Newly called Mark E McSwain, 61, and Vonnie Bangerter McSwain are the parents of six children and have resided in Farmington 3rd Ward, Farmington Utah Stake in the United States. They have been called to serve in the Australia Brisbane Mission, succeeding President Lon E. Henderson and Sister Carrie J. Henderson who have served since 2013.

Each of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' 300-plus mission presidents supervises and trains hundreds of the 75,000 missionaries assigned to a specific geographic area. Most mission presidents and their wives serve for three consecutive years.
As mission leaders, they supervise and train on average from 170 to 180 missionaries during a given time period, but they will work with around 600 young people during their three-year period of service.
Brother McSwain is a former stake presidency counselor, bishop, bishopric counselor, high councilor, elders quorum president, gospel doctrine teacher, and missionary in the California Sacramento Mission. At the time of his call he was serving as President of the MC Oil and Gas and Foreland Refining Corp. Born in Salt Lake City to Harry Wallace McSwain and Josephine Davis McSwain.
Sister McSwain is a former stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Relief Society and Young Women president, and ward Young Women and Primary presidency counselor. Born in Salt Lake City to Ronald LaMar Bangerter and Jean Winegar Bangerter.