The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shares in the growing concern across the world about the Ebola virus and is monitoring the situation carefully. Below is an update on how the Church is responding.
Humanitarian Efforts
In Sierra Leone, the Church is working with International Medical Corps to provide a local hospital with medical clothing and supplies to help care for patients. The Church continues to work through recognized relief organizations and on-the-ground partners to help communities in need.
Church Members
Church members in all areas are being encouraged to follow the health guidelines and recommendations given by local health officials.
In Sierra Leone and Liberia, the Church has provided its members with sanitation supplies, along with basic instruction materials that help teach sanitation. The Church has provided a two-month supply of food to members, some of whom are in quarantined areas, and to others in need. In many cases, members have shared these food supplies with extended family and neighbors.
Many members have also volunteered their own time to help spread awareness of proper sanitation practices throughout communities.
See also:
Ghana Mormon Newsroom: Church Aids Latter-day Saints Affected by Ebola Outbreak
Ghana Mormon Newsroom: Latter-day Saints Worship at Home during Ebola Lock Down
Missionary safety is a top priority. In areas where there is an increased potential for cases of Ebola, the Church has asked mission presidents to train missionaries in precautions they should take to avoid and prevent the spread of the disease. These include common sense measures and also more specific guidelines about contact with other people, symptoms to watch for and how to avoid situations with higher risk. The Church will continue to work with mission leaders and local members to evaluate these circumstances and, when necessary, will take steps to further protect missionaries from areas where their safety is in question.
Missionaries Serving in Two African Nations are Reassigned (August 6, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. MDT)
All missionaries have safely departed from Sierra Leone and Liberia, and have been reassigned to other locations. Missionaries will be traveling to their new assignments over the next few days. When they arrive they will call their families to update them. All missionaries are safe and in good health.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a strong presence in Liberia and Sierra Leone, where thousands of our members continue to live, worship and serve. The Church, through its humanitarian programs and partners, is in the process of assessing needs and considering how to best support relief efforts to its members and the people of these countries.
Missionaries Serving in Two African Nations are Reassigned (August 1, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. MDT)
Due to the outbreak of illness related to the Ebola virus, as a precautionary measure, all missionaries serving in the African nations of Sierra Leone and Liberia are in the process of being transferred out of these countries and reassigned to other missions. Ensuring the health and safety of our missionaries is our top priority. In recent weeks measures have been taken to reduce risk to missionaries, including asking them to remain in their apartments. To date, there are no reports of illness among the missionaries. Families are being notified as the missionaries arrive in their new assignments. This is a very challenging situation for the missionaries, members and citizens of these countries, and like other organizations, we are taking every practical step to reduce risk.
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