Families at a Croydon refuge received a surprise delivery of chocolate eggs just in time for Easter. The Easter eggs were donated by members of the Mooroolbark Ward (congregation) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The refuge, run by the Salvation Army as part of its Gateways Crisis Service, provides temporary accommodation and support to disadvantaged families including those fleeing domestic violence, teenage parents, single parents, and refugees.
Clients are provided with basic needs and counselling and are taught self reliance, parenting, cooking and other life skills to get them back on their feet. The refuge can accommodate up to 100-150 people at any time and is often filled to capacity.
With limited funds, Easter eggs were overlooked this year. Susan Adams of the Mooroolbark Ward who has been rallying donations for the shelter for many years, saw an opportunity to help.
She put a call out to the members of her ward and they quickly responded. Bags and boxes full of chocolate eggs and bunnies were donated and delivered to the shelter, putting smiles on the faces of the children and adults alike.
“We were happy to be able to bring some Easter joy to the families that stay at the refuge,” said Susan. “The staff appreciate that strangers care for those in need.”
“Anything that I can get to them allows them to use their reserved money for other things," remarks Susan.
“For example last month I took down around 100 packets of pasta."
“It didn’t last long but the money they saved on that went towards things like school uniforms for two sweet little girls that are there with their Dad.”
Susan’s involvement with the refuge started years ago when she asked the manager how she could help. Her efforts have multiplied in subsequent years and now her stake (diocese) is heavily involved in organising drives for food and other supplies.