News Story

Community Leaders Gather in Perth for Prayer and Fellowship

His Excellency the Honourable Chris Dawson AC APM, Governor of Western Australia, hosted a prayer breakfast for community leaders in Perth on Friday, 2 August.

President of the Pacific Area of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Elder Peter F. Meurs, and his wife, Sister Maxine Meurs, attended the prayer breakfast.

Elder and Sister Meurs sat with Tracey Roberts, Federal Member for Pearce; Councillor Michelle Sutherland, City of Bayswater; Pastor Loren Pratt, Seventh-day Adventist Church; Ian de Nazareth, Senior Fundraising and Partnerships Manager, Foodbank WA; Ben Cornel, Liberal candidate for Mount Lawley electorate; President Aaron Wi Repa and Sister Adele Wi Repa, Australia Perth Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and Paul Lekias, Western Australia Communication Director, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Guests at the Governor's Prayer Breakfast on 2 August 2024 in Perth, Australia.
Guests at the Governor's Prayer Breakfast on 2 August 2024 in Perth, Australia.
Guests at the Governor's Prayer Breakfast on 2 August 2024 in Perth, Australia.

The theme of the morning was calling on God through prayer. Prayers were offered on behalf of leaders, businesses, the community at large, and the rising generation.

Gov. Dawson spoke about the need to care for our neighbour, being grateful for our country, and being more loving to those around us.

Keynote speaker, Mr. Mike Raiter, focused his remarks on Jesus Christ and building the Kingdom of God on Earth.

"It was a very uplifting experience for all in attendance," Paul Lekias said.

Approximately 1,300 guests attended the prayer breakfast.

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