His Grace Julian C Porteous, Catholic Archbishop of Hobart, and Elder Robert J Dudfield, Area Seventy and Director of Public Affairs for Australia for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met at the Diocesan Centre in Hobart 22nd April to discuss issues facing Australia. They found they had much in common. Both have deep family roots in Tasmania and share a lifelong commitment to their respective faiths. And both share a concern for protecting religious freedom, strengthening marriage and the family, raising children in righteousness, and preserving the sanctity of motherhood and fatherhood.
Catholic and Latter-day Saint doctrine on marriage and the family and the complementary roles of mother and father in bearing and raising children have many similarities. Protecting the rights of churches and individuals to discuss and promote these beliefs in a world where such values are vocally and even legally challenged is a cause that unites both faiths.
Both the Archbishop and Elder Dudfield expressed interest in continuing to build the relationship between their churches.