As sunset fell on Sunday June 11th, 2017, members from various faiths came together during the month of Ramadan to the Baitul Masroor Mosque in Jimboomba, to discuss the spiritual practice of fasting.
The event consisted of an opportunity to speak about what fasting meant to them in both their religion, and personally. Speakers included representatives from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Sikh, Evangelist and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints faiths, as well as local Aboriginal Community Elders.
A panel of representatives of the different faiths received questions from the audience, sharing their unique and spiritual perspectives regarding the sacred practise. Despite the theological differences amongst the faith groups, there was a common thread that weaved across them all, in a spirit of unity and empowerment.
Moriah Timu from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints commented; "It opened my eyes to see that those from other religions are like me in how we fast and our reasons for fasting. It was a really great night and I am thankful the Muslim community are so warm and welcoming”.
The evening concluded with everyone sharing a delicious meal graciously provided by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Ahsin Waris, Public Affairs Co-ordinator for the Baitul Masroor Mosque commenting on the success of the evening stated, “It is amazing to have all these faiths together, we look forward to including more faiths next year”.
Each participant came away with a greater appreciation for one another, and a real sense of religious cohesion that will continue long after the event concluded.