Ramadan is a time for sharing a spirit of community, devotion, cleansing and compassion - values common to all spiritual traditions. In commemoration of this shared spirit, the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque hosted an interfaith Iftar recently at the beautiful Gallipoli Mosque in NSW entitled 'Breaking Bread, Breaking Barriers'.

Among the dignitaries at the event were The Honourable John Ajaka, NSW Minister for Ageing, Disability Services and Multiculturalism; The Honourable Luke Foley, Leader of the Opposition and Member for Auburn; Dr Şeyda Hanbay Arca, Turkish Consulate General in Sydney; Ms Julie Owens MP; Dr. Abdurrahman Asaroglu, President of NSW Auburn Turkish Islamic Cultural Centre; Lachlan Mackie from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Imam Sebahattin Turan.
Jayneil Shandil, representing the Hindu faith remarked, "Tonight’s spirit truly reflects the diversity and the oneness of our nation, a truly multicultural Australia that we celebrate… One can try to love and respect all living beings, regardless of their outward appearance or status in life for society, just understanding that the Supreme Divinity loves all living beings equally, without any partiality, just as a loving mother loves all her children."
Representing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mr Lachlan Mackie spoke to the group on his beliefs around the Atonement of Jesus Christ, His last supper with His disciples, and the institution of the Sacrament.
Mr Mackie commented, "It was a memorable experience to see so many faiths coming together to build bridges and create unity in an increasingly divided society. Despite the variety of different cultures and beliefs, the feelings of acceptance, inclusiveness and warmth could be felt throughout the night."