For Daniel Cooper, Christmas wasn’t always about Jesus Christ but that changed 9 years ago when his mum started to listen to missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
When a school friend and Church member showed up with the missionaries, he felt obliged to sit in on one of the discussions.
Over time Daniel says his heart began to soften. What began as simple courtesy, progressed to curiosity, and then a spark of faith. Finally, he reached a crossroads.
“It came to a point where I decided that what they were teaching me was either true or it was false, so I needed to put it to the test,” says Daniel.
After receiving an answer to prayer, Daniel made the decision to follow Jesus Christ and be baptised in April 2009. His parents, Julie and Brian were also baptised that same year.
Daniel says since developing faith in Jesus Christ, his perspective and sense of purpose has changed.
“That purpose has given me a lot of drive to do the right thing,” says Daniel. “Not just in keeping the commandments, but in pursuing a good career, looking for a spouse, and trying to set myself up so I can provide for a family in the future.”
Daniel currently works as a civil engineer in land development and was recently married in September 2017.
As a young family, Daniel and Hannah have already established traditions that help them stay strong in their faith and marriage. These traditions are especially important at Christmas time, when much of the world has removed Christ from the season.
One of these traditions is reading the account of Christ’s birth in the New Testament together.
Daniel says, “Reading the Christmas account from the New Testament helps me to remember all the miracles that occurred around the Savior’s birth and how inspiring it was that even before He was born, people were flocking from afar to worship Him.”
Service to others is another way the Coopers strengthen their faith during Christmas and throughout the year.
“One Christmas, my family received a hamper that was such a warming welcome into our new congregation,” recalls Hannah. “It came at a time when we were in need and was such a blessing. The feeling of gratitude in knowing that you are cared for is one that I wanted to bring to others who may be in need by gifting surprise hampers.”
Remembering this, the Coopers have decided to drop off a Christmas hamper anonymously to another family.
For the Coopers and millions of people across the globe, this Christmas is an opportunity to ‘Light The World’ by serving others in their families, communities and across the world.
Visitors to the LightTheWorld.org website are reminded, “As we reach out to give as Jesus gave, we ultimately fan the flame of our own faith.”
“When you serve others, you can’t help but think of Christ,” says Daniel. “It changes your perspective from an inward to an outward perspective.”
To find out how you can Light The World visit LightTheWorld.org