This July, Geelong’s Lindy Crouch, is kicking down stereotypes as the first person with Down Syndrome to represent Australia at the ITF World Taekwondo Championships.
Lindy, 25, started taking Taekwondo classes little over a year ago in an effort to improve her fitness and soon discovered a love and natural talent for the sport. She was selected earlier this year to compete at the 2018 tournament in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Never held back by her disability, Lindy’s catch cry is “I can do it."
Lindy was placed for adoption shortly after her birth and at 10 weeks of age had major heart surgery to repair a large hole in her heart. The surgeon later told her adoptive family that he felt that his hands were guided during the surgery.
When Lindy was five months old she was adopted by the Crouch family who have welcomed and loved her as their own. The Crouch's have four other children.
Jayne Crouch, Lindy’s mother said her daughter brought a special spirit into their home.
“She lives up to the name Daryl (Lindy’s father) gave her: Joy. She loves this name and likes to be called Lindy Joy,” Jayne said.
Lindy is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Geelong. She is both a Seminary and Institute graduate and loves to attend the Latter-day Saint temple and participate in Church activities. She regularly shares her belief in Jesus Christ with the congregation and reminds them to be happy at Church and love one another.
An active voice in her community, Lindy is an advocate of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and loves to get involved in community events. She also cleans the Geelong Ward (congregation) chapel for three hours each week and volunteers at a local op shop.
With early encouragement from her family, she has always been willing to try new things. In addition to Taekwondo, she is an avid dancer and attends regular classes.
“Lindy is an inspiration to all around her,” said Jayne Crouch.
“She will not only be competing but acting as an ambassador for those with disabilities in Australia.”