Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints participated in a Mormon Helping Hands Service Project at the Brompton Primary School in Adelaide on October 17th. Eighty Church members from the area kept busy throughout the day washing windows, painting, and weeding, pruning, and planting around the school, but it wasn’t drudgery.

When school Principal Tina Treffers was asked if she would like some help cleaning and refreshing her school, she accepted enthusiastically. “I was delighted that so many people would give of their time so generously on a Saturday. I was hoping they could bring some sparkle to the school grounds, and this certainly happened.”
“What impressed me most was the sense of community you all displayed”, she continued. “Having the people power enabled us to get many tasks completed that would otherwise have taken a long time.”
Ruth Evans, 71, has been taking part in service projects regularly since she joined the Church 45 years ago. “Oh I always come along. It’s the camaraderie I enjoy—working alongside others, getting to know new people. It’s also knowing that you are doing your bit to help others out,” she said cheerfully.

The Honourable Michael Atkinson, Speaker for the South Australian House of Assembly, also lent a hand, pulling weeds and clearing rubbish along the Torrens Road school boundary. Back row from L to R: Tina Treffers (principal), Michael Atkinson (Speaker for SA House of Assembly and member for Croydon), Caroline McIlwaine (Adelaide PA Council director), Lesen Lawry
Church members, neighbours, and friends had an enjoyable day working together to improve their community on the sunny Saturday.