At the recent Gold Coast Stake (diocese) Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Stake President Daniel Shine was pleased to announce the creation of the Gold Coast Young Single Adult (YSA) Branch (congregation) of the Church.
The young single adult Church members in the Gold Coast area are delighted with the formation of this new YSA branch. It will be a great chance for the YSA of the Gold Coast Stake to come together to strengthen each other and to build long-lasting relationships.
Mark Kelly was sustained to lead the new Gold Coast YSA Branch. Assisting President Kelly in leading the branch will be Aaron Hettig as 1st counsellor, and Cameron Evans as 2nd counsellor. All three men will be a great strength for this new congregation of young adults.
This Branch will meet each Sunday, starting Sunday 1st December at 1:00 pm in the Isle of Capri chapel. This YSA branch is the 7th congregation created in the growing Gold Coast Stake of the Church.
Of the new branch, President Shine said, "We are excited for our young single adults to have this opportunity to serve, learn and worship together. Our hope is that this branch will create an environment of unity and help strengthen the young people's faith in Jesus Christ."
Others have observed that it is wonderful to watch the Church continue to grow and mature in the Gold Coast, and for such wonderful growth to occur within the young single adults.