More than 250 individuals and families across the South Pacific gathered remotely on Easter Sunday to learn how education and, in particular, the BYU Pathway Worldwide program, instituted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, helps one to "hear" our Saviour.
President Clark Gilbert, President of BYU Pathway Worldwide, was the guest speaker. He emphasized that education enables a person to hear the Saviour, because it improves us, helps us learn who we are, and leads to blessings.
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President Gilbert said that the Saviour does not speak in a harsh voice nor in a loud voice, but that one needs to have his life in a place where one can “hear His small voice.” He continued his address with a message on how one can hear the Saviour’s voice amidst bushfires, typhoons and pandemics. Quoting C.S. Lewis’ sermon at the time of World War II, Lewis said, “As students, you will be expected to make yourselves … into philosophers, scientists, scholars, critics, or historians. And at first sight, this seems to be an odd thing to do during a [pandemic] …”
To the women, President Gilbert taught that the best indicator of a child’s education is his mother’s education. Murray and Katrina Stewart were the first church service missionaries in Sydney for BYU PathwayConnect. Katrina, who graduated from the program in April, shared her experience that “Pathway builds testimony...Studying has enlarged my soul.” Katrina decided to embark on the course while she was busy with a toddler and was suffering from postnatal depression. At first, she did not believe she could do it, but against all odds, she found out she can accomplish hard things.
Alma Kuru, another graduate of the program, shared the blessings that come from seeking an education, as he juggled work and family whilst studying.
Elder Johnny Leota, a senior leader of the Church in the Pacific area, concluded the devotional by testifying that, just as we are commanded to "hear" the Saviour, the Lord will also hear us as we united in a worldwide fast for the pandemic on Good Friday.