The Samoan community in Mildura, Victoria, recently elected Faavae Vui their leader. The man they call "Sunny" is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and according to the Sunraysia Daily, he has already begun to show his ability to unite people.
"The highlight of his leadership role was the unfurling of the Samoan flag for the first time at Samoan Independence Day celebration held in Mildura on June 25," states the newspaper.
Sunny wanted everyone to be happy—there were games for all ages, Samoan dress and feasting, prizes and entertainment.
Sunraysia tells how Faavae Vui left his native island of Savaii at age eighteen to help provide for his parents and siblings. He was to work in a butcher shop in New Zealand, marry, become the father of three and settle
nMuldura, to which he encouraged other Samoan families to gravitate.
Samoan families did exactly that, and now he hopes to be their friend. "He is a very humble man, and he loves all people," said his daughter Vaefaga toSunrasia. "Different races and religions—everyone's the same to him."
"Sunny's main challenge as leader of the Samoan community," according to the Muldura paper, is to continue to unite the families here and encourage them to take good care of their families."
Read the entire Sunraysia article here.