Dressed in 19th century clothing, pushing and pulling handcarts, leaving home comforts and technology behind, a group of teenagers in Tasmania recently took part in a trek.

Tasmania Trek
Youth in Tasmania work together in a trek.© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The purpose of the activity – organised by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – was to help each young person feel - even in small measure – what the early pioneers of their faith experienced when they travelled across the plains of North America.
For the church of Jesus Christ, a trek reminds members of the sacrifices and lessons learned by the Church’s 19th century converts as they travelled from America’s Midwest to the Salt Lake Valley. For these youth, it also helped them remember the history of the Church in Tasmania.
In 1854, the first members of the Church in Tasmania were baptized in a small creek in Glen Huon. During the trek the group stopped at the creek to acknowledge the sacrifices made by those that came before them.
Tasmania Trek
Youth gather at the creek at Glen Huon.© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Rachael Sayers, one of the trek organisers, described the experience in this way: “Imagine this scenario: Over 80 teenagers gather together for four days, all having a desire to work together in groups that are not of their choice, walking over widely varied terrain, through mud and puddles, up and down rocky, slippery hills, working in unity, serving each other, giving their time, sweat, and energy, sharing their faith and testimonies, and without a comfortable place to sleep, without jealousies, without murmurings, without conflicts. Sounds hard to imagine, doesn’t it?”
One young participant, Emma, said, “I have a deeper appreciation for the strength of youth and what they can achieve when they are united and pushed out of their comfort zone.”
Preparations for the trek began six months in advance and the number of hours dedicated in service for the youth was inspiring.
Tim Jack, lay leader for the Church in the Hobart area, said, “It was wonderful to see it all come together, especially, in the months leading up to the event.”
Youth walked uphill for long stretches and gave each other encouragement and were willing to step in and take their turn pushing or pulling the load to give each other a break.
Isabel, one of the youth participants, said, “I enjoyed just being with youth, as a whole group, and going through a challenge together. It was difficult, but it gave me a new experience and it brought me closer to feeling the Spirit and knowing that we can do anything through Christ.”
Another organiser, Steve King, said, “It is difficult to describe the energy and teamwork that shone forth as the youth and leaders became one in purpose and moved out as a body to take on the arduous journey.”

Tasmania Trek
Youth from the Hobart and Devonport Stakes trek in Tasmania.© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Many times the group would stop to allow the handcarts to catch up and a request would be made for those who were willing and able to help others. The youth did not have to be asked twice, they would jump at the chance to serve, to walk back up a rocky incline or back down a steep section of trail to help the lagging handcarts.
Young women pull handcarts uphill during trek.© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.According to one youth leader, small miracles are not unusual on trek, as it is designed to build faith through sacrifice, courage and sheer hard work. Those who participated in the Tasmania trek learned who they really are. They are modern day pioneers facing challenges with determination, faith, and love.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |