The Macarthur "Spirit of Christmas" event for 2019 marked the beginning of the Christmas season for the seventh year in a row. Held at the Macarthur Stake (diocese), of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, actvities and displays for all ages filled the building.
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Also visiting for the first time was Alex, of the Macarthur Interfaith Network, who remarked that everyone was so friendly. “I’ll be back next year and bring some mates along!”
Tiffany Weston, of Wollongong, has been organising the children’s activities since the concept of Spirit of Christmas was conceived. “It’s held at the beginning of December and provides children a place where they can come and enjoy Christmas craft and games– I love seeing their excitement!”
This year, the two cultural displays featured were England and Tonga with music, food and decorations. Kristian Taylor, of Camden, recalled a typical Christmas in his childhood home consisted of a cooked English breakfast, opening presents, a hot lunch and his favourite part - finding gifts in the attic left as Santa quickly exited.
As a family tradition, Orrin Quinton, of Dapto, brings his four children each year. “It starts the Christmas season for us,” he said.
An important part of the afternoon is the compilation and wrapping of Christmas hampers, school packs and gifts to donate to the local charities that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints support in the wider Macarthur area.
A beautiful musical presentation, focussing on the birth of Jesus Christ, concluded a wonderful Christmas program.