News Release

‘Twas a Month Before Christmas and No Gifts Could Be Found

Queensland church members reach out to children in need this Christmas

Four weeks before Christmas the Beenleigh Children’s Safety Centre in South Queensland was advised by the charity which had donated in previous years that they would not be able to provide Christmas gifts for three hundred foster children.

As panic descended on the office, employee Linda Mose,a member of the Waterford Ward (congregation) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints posted a plea for help from her Relief Society woman's organisation. The message spread to other Latter-day Saint congregations in the Logan and Gold Coast area in Queensland.  Many participated in the frenzied effort to provide gifts for each child in foster care.

Two weeks later, trolleys piled with gifts large and small were wheeled into the Beenleigh Children’s Centre, from colouring books and teddy bears to nail polish and necklaces, ready to be given to the children, aged from babies to seventeen.  

Vicky Currie, Business Support Officer from the Beenleigh Children's Safety Centre was overwhelmed by the amount of gifts collected in such a short period of time and expressed her gratitude on behalf of the centre. This year 300 foster children will get to experience in the joy and excitement of Christmas.

Plans are already under way by Linda and other Church members in her local area to reach out to charities supporting children in need for Christmas 2016. 

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