A group of Australian rugby league professionals met on Sunday (30 August) in Sydney to talk about ways they could help young people make good choices on and off the field.
Among attendees at the meeting were current and former National Rugby League players — all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — Setefano Taukafa, Lagi Setu, William Hopoate and Sam Perrett, along with their respective wives, Justine Taukafa, Adele Setu, Jimi Hopoate and Jemma Perrett.

Hosting the discussion were Latter-day Saint leader, Elder Johnny Leota, and his wife, Betty Leota.
Explaining the purpose of the gathering, Elder Leota said, “Our objective is to strengthen their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ so they can make good choices while they live in an environment that often challenges their moral standards.
"To help them while they live in the world to remember that they are children of God and so receive courage and confidence to choose to be not of the world.”
He added, “We look to Setefano, Justine, Will, Jimi, Sam, Jemma, Lagi, Adele, and other fine young people in their 20s and 30s to provide to the teenagers coming up behind them great examples to look to as they pursue success in their chosen sporting, academic and other fields.
“And even more importantly, to show in the way they live their lives that you can conquer any worldly and spiritual challenge when you follow and live the teachings of our Saviour Jesus Christ.”

Setefano Taukafa, a former player for South Sydney Rabbitohs, shared with the group his personal journey over the last few years. He said that earlier this year he heard Latter-day Saint apostle, Elder Russell M. Nelson, talk about the Sabbath day.
“The Spirit told me so directly that I had to make whatever sacrifice was needed so that I could worship the Lord on His holy day – His full day.”
“The parable of the rich boy in the New Testament is what I can compare this experience to,” he said. “I need to submit everything worldly I have ever wanted, to follow Him. I know that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, He is the centre of my life.”
Elder S. Gifford Nielsen of the Pacific Area Presidency — himself a former professional footballer — said, “We love our young people and know they have important choices to make in their personal journeys.
"The top priority for all of us is to increase faith in our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ, and we know as our youth draw closer to Them, they will receive the guidance and strength they need to make wise decisions regarding missionary service, marriage, education, career and all else before them."
He added, "We stand by prophetic counsel to teach correct principles then let individuals govern themselves. What a blessing it is to have so many powerful examples of goodness all around us in the Pacific Area."
Watch a video of Latter-day Saint apostle, Elder Neil L. Andersen, speaking about the faith and commitment of New Zealand All Black rugby legend, Sid Going.
Watch a video featuring Latter-day Saint rugby league professional, Will Hopoate.