is a genealogical website maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is free to use and helps people connect to their ancestors in many ways.
In Tasmania, Australia, having the Cornelia Bay Cemetery records now online on, made a big difference to Allison Ralph, a resident of Hobart.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Allison’s great grandfather was buried in the cemetery and her family wanted to put a marker on his grave. They planned to raise the money for it at an up-coming family reunion.
In preparation, the family contacted the funeral home to identify the gravesite. The location was identified as the same spot mentioned on the family’s genealogical records.
As Allison was taking a free genealogical class taught by Alan Seath, a member of the Latter-day Saints’ Glenorchy Ward (congregation), she was introduced to for the first time.
She went home to research online and discovered her great grandfather’s grave was not at the site they had previously believed.
Allison contacted the mortuary again and they agreed that the information had been transcribed incorrectly. Both the mortuary and the family corrected their records.
Now the family will be able to place the marker on the correct gravesite.
Allison said, “My family and I are so grateful for FamilySearch and record preservation teams who steered us to the correct gravesite for my great grandfather.”
Watch a video about FamilySearch.