One Adelaide family has the unusual situation in which both sets of parents and grandparents reside in the same aged care facility, although they are now reduced to one grandfather from one side and one grandmother on the other side of the family.
The grandson, an accomplished pianist, took his wife and four children, together with his father to visit both grandparents for an afternoon of visiting and playing Christmas music on the facility's grand piano. Other residents equally enjoyed the soothing music that brought back fond memories of earlier Christmases with family and friends.
Music brings a special spirit, especially at Christmas, and is one way to show appreciation for the blessings of close family relationships.
Jesus taught, "Honour thy father and mother." Matthew 15:4
We shouldn't wait for Father's Day or Mother's Day to express our love for our parents. We can show appreciation year-round by serving them and living as they taught us to live.
Click on the video below to watch day 5. How will you #LightTheWorld today? For suggestions visit mormon.org.