The holiday season can be a lonely time for the sick and infirm but not for the elderly residents of Queen Victoria Home in Lindisfarne, Hobart. They were recently visited by young children from the Rosny Ward (congregation) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Tasmania.
With hearts full of love and voices sure, the children sang familiar Christmas carols to the joy of those listening. The children’s visits have been so welcomed by the residents for the last four years because they bring their special blend of Christmas cheer to the home and their residents.
Women in the Relief Society of the Rosny ward made bookmarks and cards for the children to take to the event. After singing the children were invited to distribute the gifts and spend time talking to residents.
The children’s Christmas visit is enjoyed by everyone – even the children themselves. Nine-year-old Josh said, "I thought it was good that we had all the people smiling. I liked it that one of the ladies mentioned she was glad that we were singing songs about Jesus.”
Daniel, 11 years old, said, “I felt that the Saviour would be really proud because the residents were happy and loved to get our presents.”
For those who are older and infirm, the giving of one’s time and attention is especially appreciated. Claire Dale, Primary president, praised the children by saying, “We made a difference. We were the Lord’s hands today and that’s why we felt so good. You were awesome.”
Sickness and hard times affect us all eventually. We can help lift those who are suffering, even if all we do is devote a little time to visiting them.
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