Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints actively participated in “The Power of Community” 2019 Cardinia Interfaith Network Fair held at Pakenham Secondary College on Saturday, 12 October.
Full-time missionaries, Sister Hollibaugh and Sister Teabi, were joined by Katie Cleggett, and Marg Peach at the Fair registration desk where they helped attendees write name badges and take programs and event feedback forms.
In the Fair stalls room, Trevor and Kim Evans, and Maureen Thomas, displayed a wealth of hard-bound family history books, charts and other resources. Mario D’Souza displayed a video on self-reliance resources and Church News stories about members’ involvement in community projects. The purpose of these displays was to showcase how the Church and its members show Christlike love to the community by contributing free resources, volunteer labour and tuition.
- Cardinia Interfaith Network Fair
- Cardinia Interfaith Network Fair
- Cardinia Interfaith Network Fair
- Cardinia Interfaith Network Fair
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Mario and Lorin Lytras participated in the Interfaith speed dating workshop and were spontaneously nominated as spokespersons to summarise workshop findings to the audience.
Alice Watson was the emcee for the event. “I felt so proud of my brothers and sisters for their participation,” she said. The displays were beautiful, the ladies at the registration desk were really helpful and efficient, and Lorin and Mario were so articulate in their spoken summaries. I could tell that the Lord’s Spirit was with them!"
All concerned said that they enjoyed participating. “It was fun!” said Katie Cleggett, who, along with Sisters Hollibaugh and Teabi, benefited from the Fair’s face-painting stall. They agreed that it was a great opportunity to represent the Lord in the community, to learn about other faith perspectives, and to enhance mutual understanding.